Saturday, November 12, 2011

Day 18: A picture of your biggest insecurity

I am very comfortable in my own skin.. I defiantly have things that bother me, but who doesn't? one thing that does bug me a little is my teeth, I never had braces but always wanted them! my teeth aren't that bad, it's just something that I notice and would like to fix.. maybe one day i'll actually fix them! haha

ps. going to the BYU game tonight and going to freeze my bum off! it might even snow :( I totally forgot how cold it gets here in the winter!!


  1. I think your smile is pretty! But I understand your wanting to fix your teeth, I have ALWAYS wanted braces. My insecurity is my chin :(

  2. I think you are beautiful! But your right we see ourselves different than others see us. We see all the bad while others see the good. Love ya!
